Tomasu Sweet Spicy Madame Jeanette 200ml
Tomasu Soy Sauce is the only micro brewed soy sauce in Europe and finds its origin in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Driven by the belief that genuine quality only can be pursued by having full autonomy within each and every step in the process, Tomasu has grown its own soy beans and wheat in the Hoeksche Waard.
Yet the peppers for our locally famous sweet & spicy soy sauce are not grown by Tomasu. Not yet!
This bottle is an experiment and is made by using own grown peppers. And not just your average peppers! The relentless search for flavour brought Tomasu to the pepper collection of the Centre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN) who kindly provided them with multiple varieties.
CGN focuses on conservation and use of vegetable crops. The quest of Tomasu was simple. To find the most original flavors, related to the Madame Jeanette, preferably divided over different longitudes. And so, it happened that in 2018 they ended up receiving 5-10 seeds per variety. And over the last 5 years they’ve been growing, testing and collecting seeds.
After several years of trial and error Tomasu finally had enough peppers to create our sweet & spicy soy sauce. Using Tomasu’s signature soy sauce as a basis, the heat is softened, allowing the taste of the pepper to be better recorded and hopefully appreciated.
So there you have it! For you to test! For the team of Tomasu to learn!